Main Street Voices: Where were these guys when we needed them?

Amidst all of the nonsense of this campaign, Donald Trump pronounced the most salient, clear-headed thought that encompassed the reason for the whole tenor of this year’s campaign.  In a speech the other day, Trump stated, ” If #NeverTrump ‘Worked This Hard to Stop Obama, He ‘Wouldn’t Have Had a Chance.’   ‘These are the establishment people that don’t want to see it happen.’  He’s right!  Forget about electing Trump or Bernie for a moment and focus in on this one point.  If the people we choose to elect in this representative democracy called a republic were truly representing us the way they should, there would be no Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump needed.  They would be no where in sight.  The energy that the “powers that be” are pouring into this election against particularly Trump is breathtaking.  Where was all this energy in standing up to a President who believed that part of the country needed to benefit while the other part needed to pay?  Where was this energy in fighting back on policies like Obamacare that citizens elected them to change?  Where was the energy in standing for principles they claimed to espouse?  These are questions that remain sadly unanswered.  It is only natural that those who have been consistently infringed upon, and let down by these members of the ruling conglomerate stand up and have at it!  They are sick and tired of words, and collective action by Democrats and Republicans alike who encroach on the freedoms they thought were guaranteed.  In those times, they look for someone, anyone who is different from those who would roll over with the popular , politically correct, safe way of governing.  Into that breach step Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, who force the amazed establishment to cry OMG!  We can’t have this!  Trump is right.  Maybe if these people guarding the “Bastille” of the Ruling Class were to actually care and govern in the name of all of us, with the energy they are pouring out to stop him, then there wouldn’t be a great outcry by the “some of us” to stand up and scream for a change.  If they would have had the energy to fight Obama, without worrying what would happen to their place in the oligarchy, we wouldn’t be here.  Their lack of energy then, has led to the surge of energy now by numbers rolling out to replace them.  Hopefully, the energy they expend now to keep the same sorry philosophy will run out…Gary Sutton